Monday, September 27, 2010

Kim Jong-il's Son's Promotion a Sign of New Direction for North Korea?

The largest meeting in decades of North Korean delegates and representatives occurred today. During the meeting, Kim Jong-ill's son, Kim Jong-un was promoted to General. Does this mean that 'Dear Leader' (Kim Jong-ill) is intent on keeping the family dynasty going?

The announcement doesn't come as too much of a shock for those who have paid careful attention to the soap opera which is known as North Korea and how their President, Kim Jong-ill frequently throws temper tantrums in likeness of a toddler in order to gain international attention. It has been reported that he is suffering from several medical conditions and had a stroke sometime in 2008, of which was he was also reported to have traveled to China several time for treatment. Both China and North Korea have not commented on these reports.

With his Swiss-educated son seemingly poised to take the reigns of power in the future, does this mean we will be seeing a new direction for North Korea? Will it be for the better or will his son merely be a copy of his father? Only time will tell.


  1. His son will probably be the same as his father, or maybe even worse.

  2. North korea is best korea.. oh wait

  3. did you ever read about his "sex slaves"? thats one screwed up guy man, its scary to think hes in control of an entire country

  4. how did he come to power in the first place?

  5. I just don't want to be drafted into a war with these fuckers.

  6. this is a good post that makes me want to come back for more

  7. Interesting post, I do feel his son will just be a copy of his father however.

  8. Sucks to live in North Korea. Maybe things will get better. Nice post, bro.

  9. I dont know, but oddly, making something out of toothpicks sounds entertaining. lol

  10. Man, i love reading news about North Korea, always a fun read.

  11. I hope we liberate North Korea, the oppression Kim Jon Li serves simply isn't fair

  12. Hopefully he will be a direction towards the former. It's only a matter of time for states like this.

  13. Just remember Kim has schools teach people that his birth led to a spontaneous rainbow breakout... and that he doesn't defecate.

  14. well he can't be much worse, right?

  15. Funny how some people think that their country/government has a monopoly on "liberating" other nations. Anyways, these guys are gods, but trust me, that will change. It always does.
